AERL recommends for documentation the following scientific databases:

Documentation databases that can be accessed from computers having IP from WUT (AERL included):

Database nameLink to databaseShort information
Anelis PlusAnelisPlus01Anelis Plus is a Romanian project that offers access some bibliographic databases: The members of LCAM can obtain an account to have mobile access to the resources. With the account you can have access to Web of Science and to Journal Citation Report of ISI Web of Knowledge.
BCUTBCUT01Central University Library Timisoara offers a broad list of bibliographic databases, that can be also accessed directly due to the subscriptions of BCUT.
Science DirectScienceDirect01Elsevier Publisher offers, via ScienceDirect, access to more than 2500 peer-reviewed scientific journals in the fields of interest of AERL that can be accessed from computers with WUT IPs. Some journals have Open Access opportunities!
Springer LinkSpringerLink01More than 1000 scientific journals in the fields of interest of AERL that can be accessed from computers with WUT IPs. Few journals (around 10%) have Open Access opportunities!
Taylor & FrancisTaylorFrancis01Taylor & Francis group include also the Routledge, CRC Press and Garland Science books provider publishers. Here you may find more than 1500 journals in the fields of interest of AERL. Some journals are Open Access and some journal offers free access to some of their articles.
Note: even you are outside WUT's IP address range you can access many Open Access articles offered be the database providers to the guest users.

Documentation databases that offer free access to full text scientific articles from peer-reviewed scientific journals:

Database nameLink to databaseShort information
BioMed CentralBioMedCentral01BioMed Central is an STM (Science, Technology and Medicine) publisher of 276 peer-reviewed open access journals. All these journal can be accessed from Springer Science & Springer Open platforms.
DOAJDOAJ01Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.
J-STAGEJ-Stage01Japan Science and Technology Information Aggregator offers access to more than 800 journals in the fields of interest of AERL.
Nature.comNatureCom01Nature Publishing Group offers hybrid (partial free) access to its famous journals.


Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories / Laboratoarele de Cercetări Avansate de Mediu