ALBULESCU, Mariana (Assist. Prof., PhD) |  | Natural Compounds, Biodiversity and Drug Discovery | @ |
BIZEREA, Otilia (Assoc. Prof., PhD) |  | Inorganic Advanced Materials and Environment | @ |
BOLCU, Constantin (Assoc. Prof., PhD) |  | Advanced Materials with Tailored Properties | @ |
DASCĂLU, Daniela (Assist. Prof., PhD) |  | Environmental Monitoring and Analysis Technology / Water & Air Quality | @ |
FILIMON, Nicoleta (Assoc. Prof., PhD) |  | Environmental Microbiology & Soil Quality | @ |
IANOVICI, Nicoleta (Assoc. Prof., PhD) |  | Aerobiology, Bioindicators & Invasive Species | @ |
ISVORAN, Adriana (Prof., PhD) |  | Advanced Computational Chemistry (Biophysics & Bioinformatics) | @ |
MODRA, Dorina (Assist. Prof., PhD) |  | Sustainable Technologies for Environment Remediation | @ |
OSTAFE, Vasile (Prof., PhD) |  | Analytical Biochemistry & Chromatographic Separations & Ecotoxicology | @ |
PÂRVULESCU, Lucian (Assist. Prof., PhD) |  | Freshwater Invertebrates Ecology, Biogeography, Mechanisms of Invasions | @ |
PITULICE, Laura (Assist. Prof., PhD) |  | Environmental electrochemistry | @ |
PREDA, Gabriela (Assoc. Prof., PhD) |  | Green Organic Chemistry & Chemical Fate | @ |
SINITEAN, Adrian (Assist. Prof., PhD) |  | Evolutionary Biology and Ecology & Plant Pathology | @ |
VLAD-OROS, Beatrice (Assist. Prof., PhD) |  | Renewable Energy Sources | @ |
(last updated Jan 23, 2015)
Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories / Laboratoarele de Cercetări Avansate de Mediu