There are three main work packages within this project and every work package (WP) contains multiple tasks (T) / activities.

WP Management

This WP contains both administrative (A.M.1)  and coordination (A.M.2) tasks.

 A.M.1. Project administrative management

This task is aimed at ensuring that the contracted work plan is properly implemented, in particular with regard to quality control procedures and reports, realizing procedures and procurements.

A.M.2. Project coordination

This task considers providing judicious and efficient coordination of the project, ensure communication within consortium, monitor timely compliance by the partners with their task and deliverables, maintain an evidence of all informative materials and scientific publications resulting from the implementation of this project.

WP Implementation

This WP considers educative/training and research activities, assessment of the impact of project implementation and dissemination of the project outcomes to the target groups.  Educative actions concern the horizontal themes and the environmental monitoring indicators.  Research activities are focused on establishing the state of pollution of the rivers, acid mine drainage water, water from household wells and on finding optimized procedures for removal of copper and other metals from waste waters resulted from mining activities in Bor and Moldova Noua areas. Consequently, there are multiple tasks within this WP.

A.T1.1. Training sessions concerning information of school-pupils on the horizontal themes

There are 12 training sessions (workshops, contests, games, etc.) involving minimum 240 pupils and 12 teachers concerning the horizontal themes: sustainable development, equal opportunities and non-discrimination, equality between women and men.

A.T1.2. Training events concerning environmental issues for more and better skilled human resources

There are 14 events (workshops, contests, games, exhibitions, etc.) involving at least 280 pupils and 14 teachers aiming to inform and enhance awareness about environmental issues: energy efficiency, renewable energy use and reduction of GHG emissions, efficient water supply, waste-water treatment and water reuse, application of green public procurement, efficient waste management, reuse and recycling, Natura 2000 sites and equivalent protected areas, adaptation to climate change and risk prevention, education, training and support services in the context of environment protection.

 A.T1.3. Selection of the studied areas, setting up and monitoring the sample extraction points and sample collection procedures

The objective of this activity is to establish the area of polluted sites, from which the samples are collected. The rivers passing through or near the mining operations areas and the household wells are considered for collecting water samples. We also collect sediments and soil from the flotation tailing and the agriculture soil.

 A.T1.4. Physicochemical characterization of the samples

The collected samples will be characterized regarding the physicochemical properties: temperature, pH, turbidity, the content in copper, iron and other pollutant and heavy metals. The physicochemical data that are obtained will be summarized, analyzed and interpreted. The results will be made available via the publications at the congresses and in open access journals and to the general population, web portal of the project that contains the knowledge base.

A.T1.5. Toxicological characterization of the samples

The following toxicity tests are considered: the aquatic plant toxicity test, the acute toxicity test, enzymatic toxicological battery tests and the microbial communities of the samples will be analyzed.  Together with physicochemical data, they make the object of dissemination and will be contained in one section of the created knowledge base.

 A.T1.6. Treatment of wasted waters and acid mine drainage streams to remove copper and other pollutant metals

This activity considers treatment methods to address acid mine drainage water and focusses on neutralizing, stabilizing and removing pollutants through various physical,chemical and biological processes.

A.T1.7. In situ practical activities for students

There are 2 thematic excursions with the volunteer students aiming to visit the studied sites (Moldova Noua and Bor areas) and to perform some practical activities: sample collection, measurements in situ of some parameters like temperature, pH, conductivity, turbidity, photosynthesis, etc.

 A.T1.8. Volunteering campaign dedicated to alternative environmental monitoring in the polluted areas by copper mining wastes

This action implicates 15 high school pupils that are voluntarily involved in a skills training program regarding general procedures for alternative environment monitoring and specific procedures for alternative monitoring in areas polluted by mining wastes and they use the basic human senses to assess the state of environmental factors and biodiversity in project area.

A.T1.9. Evaluation of the impact of project implementation

This task is based on application of survey questionnaires that are applied to all target groups categories considered within the project, the answers are collected, summarized, analyzed and interpreted. The reports are included on the knowledge base and are publicly available.

 A.T1.10. Dissemination of the scientific results obtained within the project

The project results are disseminated by participating to scientific conferences and by scientific papers published in specific journals. All data resulting from the  training and research activities are summarized in the knowledge base and are publicly available.

WP Communication

The aim of this work package is to inform about the project implementation, the results that are obtained and their impact. We edit informative materials (brochures, flyers, roll-up banner, newsletters, press releases, etc) and deliver them to target groups, organize public events, awareness campaigns, press conferences, etc. A web page and two Facebook profiles are built for the project and are continuously updated.  There are 3 information points, one for each partner.

A.C.1. Start-up activities including communications

At the beginning of the project, the project leader organizes a launching conference coupled with a press conference and publishes a press release.

A.C.2. Digital activities

This task considers to create a web portal of the project that also contains the knowledge base, Facebook profiles of the project in Romanian and Serbian, a bilingual electronic newsletter at every 6 months and to implement a contest of journalistic information on the phenomenon of pollution by copper mining wastes.

A.C.3. Public events

This task is concretized by organizing awareness campaigns, press conferences, scientific events, final gala.

A.C.4.  Promotional materials

The logo of the project and templates for all documents are created. We will edit and distribute to target groups a bilingual brochure and a bilingual flyer to inform about the common problems that are considered in the project and about the horizontal principles and environmental monitoring indicators achieved in the project. During the project implementation, the teams jointly realize a roll-up-banner, personalized pens, personalized T-shirts, personalized hats and personalized laboratory coats with the logo of the project and acknowledgement of IPA CBC programme.