By implementing various activities within this project we address to many categories of target groups:

  • Local, regional and national public authorities by promoting the project actions to the Romanian and Serbian public authorities;
  • Interest groups including NGOs activating in the mining operation cross-border area by involving them in the project`s actions and benefitting of their support for the identification the field of polluted surfaces by copper mining and for identification of the information beneficiaries in the settlements addressed by public awareness campaigns;
  • People involved in higher education and research activities by informing them about the project implementation and results through the mean of the informative materials produced in the project and during the scientific events where the project results are disseminated and by involving them in training sessions concerning the use of the public knowledge base. Students participating as volunteers in this project (minimum 80 students) will participate to training sessions concerning sample collection and measurement of some parameters of water streams and/or training sessions concerning horizontal principles and environmental issues;
  • Education/training centers and schools by involving 520 pupils and 26 teachers from schools in the cross-border areas of Romania and Serbia in 26 training sessions and events in the fields of horizontal principles and environmental issues. Other 15 volunteer pupils participate to a training session and are involved in alternative monitoring of environmental pollution. Informative materials produced within the project will be distributed toward education/training centers and schools;
  • General public will be continuously informed about the project implementation, its objectives and expected results and also about the results obtained during the project implementation through various means: awareness campaigns, press conferences, a web portal and two Facebook profiles (one in Romanian and one in Serbian), informative materials, press releases and TV/radio broadcasting. There are 3 information points (one per project partner) that may be visited by everyone and various issues concerning the project implementation may be addressed.