The projects that made possible to build AERL
Starting project
Budget from CNCSIS (only for AERL) 1.226.573 Lei
Budget from WUT (only for AERL) 1.226.573 Lei
Supplemented budget from WUT (for AERL and for “Ring Bursier”) 3.600.000 Lei
Following up projects
1. Project to equip teaching laboratories 2006-2007 941.620 Lei
2. Project to equip teaching laboratories 2008-2009 173.000 Lei
3. Project to equip teaching laboratories 2008-2009 (budget for AERL) 310.000 Lei
4. Competence formation for chemistry teaching at high-school level to teachers licensed in other related disciplines / Formarea de competente de predare a chimiei pentru cadrele didactice din învățământul preuniversitar licențiate în alte discipline înrudite (POS DRU 15852)(2009-2011) 409.796 Lei
5. Local partnership for raising doctoral schools and human potential in research priority areas during the post-accession phase of Romania to EU/ Parteneriat local pentru ridicarea nivelului școlilor doctorale si valorificarea potențialului uman din cercetare in domenii prioritare ale etapei postaderare a României la UE (POS DRU 38347)(2010-2012) 1.767.587 Lei
6. Interuniversity virtual community for science, technology, innovation and intellectual property recovery / Comunitate virtuală interuniversitară pentru știință, tehnologie, inovare și valorificare a proprietății intelectuale (POS DRU 56872)(2010-2013) 1.473.748 Lei
7. Doctoral School in support of research in the European context / Școală doctorală în sprijinul cercetării în context european (POS DRU 13798)(2010-2012) 369.980 Lei
8. NETECOWAT – Hungary Romania Cross-border co-operation programme 2007-2012: The management of water quality in the cross-border area NETECOWAT HURO/0901/126/2.2.3 (2010-2012) 200.000 EURO
9. Cross-border network for advanced training and research in environmental protection ROS-NET (MIS code 464)(2011-2012) 640.745 EURO
10. Anchorage of Caveoline 1 in cell membrane: NMR studies and molecular dynamic simulation (2011-2012) 53.450 Lei
11. SCIENTSTU – Scientific and Entrepreneurial Training for Young Students (HURO/0901/114/2.3.1)(2011-2013) 200.000 EURO
12. Chitosan and its derivatives for wound healing: in vivo and in vitro studies (2012-2013) 6.500 EURO
13. Bioinformatics/Computational analysis of protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions (2012-2016) 158.850 Lei
14. Developing creativity and innovation capacity through interdisciplinary approaches and facilitating the integration of graduates into the labor market / „Dezvoltarea creativității și a capacității de inovare prin abordări interdisciplinare și facilitarea inserției absolvenților pe piața muncii” (POSDRU 161/2.1/G/133468)(2013-2015) 2.165.970 Lei
15. Computational prediction of possible interactions of fungicides with soil enzymes (PN II) (2013-2015) 125.465 Lei
16. Chitosan derivatives for drug-delivery applications (2013-2016) 8.500 EURO
17. Metabolization of difenoconazole by crop plants and fungi communities from soil (PN-II-RU-PD-2012-3-0220) 248.804 Lei
18. Biotechnological tools implementation for new wound healing applications of byproducts from the crustacean seafood processing industry (ChitoWound) (2017 – 2019) 661.500 Lei
19. Polymeric NanoBioMaterials for drug delivery: developing and implementation of safe-by-design concept enabling safe healthcare solutions (GoNanoBioMat) (2017 – 2020) 861.840 Lei


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In-Hose Projects



Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories / Laboratoarele de Cercetări Avansate de Mediu