Advanced Biotechnology

Educational level Third cycle (PhD students)

Alternatively, Second cycle (master)

Last day of application: March 15, 2018 (proposed)
Duration: Module: 7 days with 2 h lectures, 4 h laboratory works per day
Examination: Take-home assignment, presentation

Student should after the course understand and be able to discuss basic principles of chromatography and detectors used. The student should be able to choose the optimal separation parameters and predict the separation for a given problem.


Objectives: Learn and perform aseptic techniques; Isolate, enumerate and identify microorganisms from many types of samples (the human body, water, soil, air, food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products); Accurately calibrate and use a range of instruments such as pH and BOD meters, gas chromatographs, spectrophotometers (regular/IR/UV), HPLCs, centrifuges, PCR thermocyclers and gel electrophoresis equipment; Prepare microbiological media and reagents; Culture pathogenic microbes; Design and perform advanced microbiology and microbial genetics experiments; Use microorganisms to assay pharmaceutical products.
Who should attend: Postgraduate students.

Students should have taken all basic chemistry courses including organic chemistry, physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biochemistry and analytical chemistry.

Course Outline: Through classroom and laboratory instruction, the student will study the theory and practical aspects of key biotechnology methods essential for the study of DNA and protein. The student will integrate the theories and techniques acquired in previous courses with standard molecular biology techniques and apply these to the purification, analysis and manipulation of DNA and protein. The student will learn how these skills are applied in the development of commercial and research initiatives such as the development of transgenic organisms.
Course materials: All course materials will be based on lectures that will be available to the enrolled students via the e-learning platform
Certification: 7 ECTS will be awarded to the students that will pass the examination

Attendees will be awarded a certificate of attendance

Note: This is an open (public) course and may be subject to minimum numbers attending – recommended group size (minimum) 5 students

Advanced Environmental Research Laboratories / Laboratoarele de Cercetări Avansate de Mediu