Facultatea de Chimie-Biologie-Geografie - Departamentul de Chimie





To establish an advanced research network in the field of environmental protection

The main objective of this project is to create a cross border network for advanced and non-conventional researches in the field of environmental protection with the aim of a socio-economical, durable and equilibrated development of the Romania-Serbian cross-border region. This network is based on two poles of excellence, the West University of Timisoara (the biggest comprehensive university in the West of Romania) and the Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, which is the only one with this speciality in Serbia.





To evaluate by comparison the state of pollution of a river from Borski area in which mining wastewater is discharged with that of a river from Caras-Severin County

This objective is focussed on the evaluation of the pollution degree of a river from Borski region in which the wastewater from the mining exploitation is discharged by comparison to a river from Caras-Severin county where the mining exploitations are already closed. We intend to reveal the presence or absence of heavy metals or other organic and inorganic pollutants within the wastewater and to analyze the way in which this pollution affects the entire ecosystem in these areas.





To research non-conventional methods for the remediation of wastewater from mining exploitations of non-ferrous metals

Taking into account the results obtained by analyzing the state of the two rivers, both institutions develop researches on the creation of advanced and non-conventional methods applicable for remediation of wastewater from mining exploitations of non-ferrous metals. These methods may be later transferred to large scale applications for similar wastewaters in Romania, Serbia and other interested countries.





To increase the visibility of the network at European level through actions of dissemination of the results obtained

The results of the common research activities and the proposed methods will be exploited within communications at specific international conferences and congresses, and publications in prestigious journals assuring the increase of the European visibility of our research network and implicitly of the Romanian and Serbian research in the considered field.

Facultatea de Chimie-Biologie-Geografie - Departamentul de Chimie
Adresa: Str. Pestalozzi, nr. 16, Timişoara
Telefon: 0256 592 634
Fax: 0256 592 620