Facultatea de Chimie-Biologie-Geografie - Departamentul de Chimie

Lead Partner - West University of Timisoara

Lead Partner
Organization name (native language) UNIVERSITATEA DE VEST DIN TIMISOARA
Organization name (English) WESTUNIVERSITY OF TIMISOARA
Town/city TIMISOARA Project Manager
Prof.Dr. Vasile OSTAFE
Address V. PARVAN Nr.4 Telephone +40 256 592 302
Post Code 300223 Fax +40 256 592 312
Country ROMANIA E-mail vostafe@rectorat.uvt.ro
No. of employees 1185 Website www.uvt.ro
Experience/expertise in the field addressed by the project (max. 1000 characters) Within the West University of Timisoara (UVT) there are some faculties and research centres involved in activities regarding environmental protection. These activities have been revealed through scientific papers published in ISI journals and/or international databases, presentations at international scientific events, and also through national and international grants. Moreover, UVT offers consultancy and expertise services in the environmental protection realm. Also, it takes part in national and international collaborations with other specific institutions and is implicated in educational activities on different environmental issues. Beside the undergraduate studies (e.g. Environmental Chemistry,  Ecology and Environmental protection, Environmental Science, Environmental Physics specializations), master studies (e.g. Transdisciplinary study of the Environmental protection) and PhD studies, UVT has experience in organizing post graduated courses, summer schools and human resources formation.  
Remarks Within the UVT, there is a Multidisciplinary Platform for formation and research that constitutes beside the Faculty of Chemistry, Biology, Geography the Romanian pole of the cross-border network.

Facultatea de Chimie-Biologie-Geografie - Departamentul de Chimie
Adresa: Str. Pestalozzi, nr. 16, Timişoara
Telefon: 0256 592 634
Fax: 0256 592 620