West University of Timisoara, Bv. V. Pârvan 4, Timisoara (Romania) announce the intention to organize by single tender procedure (according with the PRAG rules) the aquisition of: Translation and interpretation The companies interested in participationg to the aquisition of SERVICE FOR TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION (Languages English, Romanian and Serbian) for the project "Cross-border network for advanced training and research in Environmental Protection" – acronym ROS-NET (Project 93, Cod MIS-ETC: 464) are invited to contact, before 01.10.2011, the Project Manager, Prof. Dr. Vasile OSTAFE, at Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara, Bv. Vasile Parvan 4, Timisoara 300223, Tel. 0755240153, e-mail: vostafe@cbg.uvt.ro. For full information about procurement procedures please consult the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions and its annexes, which can be downloaded from the following web page: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/procedures/index_en.htm. Date of the announcement : 01.07.2011 Important notice: This acquisition was canceled as no offer, intention or interest for participation to tender was received and no answer to our invitations was returned! The AM has accepted the requested change in the contracting plan. |