Facultatea de Chimie-Biologie-Geografie - Departamentul de Chimie | |
Cross-border impact Cross-border impact of the project This project assures the scientific development for both teams by creating two excellence poles for researches concerning the environmental protection. This project represents only the beginning of the cross-border collaboration because the results that we expect are the bases for the extension of collaboration between our teams and between us and other interested institutions. From the other point of view, the project results will enhance the quality of life in the considered regions and the intensification of tourists exchange between the two countries. In the two countries, Romania and Serbia, there is a common preoccupation regarding the environment protection and sustainable development. Within this context, our project is devoted to create a common and competitive network within this field starting with two poles: the West University of Timisoara (UVT) and the Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (MMI). The sustainability and development of this network is assured by further addition of other Romanian and Serbian institutes, respectively. Like this, UVT and MMI become reference poles in research, evaluation and remediation of the regions polluted with organic pollutants and inorganic ones. The two research poles are intended to become research bases with multiple users and reference centres for the two countries. The technological transfer of the results obtained within this project contributes to the achievement of a less polluted environment assuring thus the increase of the quality of life in the cross-border areas. Moreover, this project supposes to perform some common research activities and also some scientific events (e.g. round tables, workshops, conferences) and contributes to a better connectivity within the two regions, the development of the cross-border collaboration and inter-human relationships, and socio-economical development, respectively. |
Facultatea de Chimie-Biologie-Geografie - Departamentul de Chimie
Adresa: Str. Pestalozzi, nr. 16, Timişoara Telefon: 0256 592 634 Fax: 0256 592 620 |