Both partners have extensive research experience in the field of environmental protection materialized in many national and international projects that have been won till date. Within the West University of Timisoara already exist an internal research network involving chemists, biologists, geographers, physicists and economists draw together in a multidisciplinary formation and research platform. Only in 2008 the chemists, biologists and geographers won in national competitions 14 research grants (from a total of 48 grants won by the entire university). Among the titles of the funded grants from 2008 we may mention: “Development of analytical methods for integrated monitoring in real time chromatography of semi-volatile and volatile pollutants” , “Kinetic coupled thermo-analytical techniques and ecotoxicological risk assessment of polymers with application in medicine and food industry”, “Research on dynamics of advanced structures identity and socio-economic disparities in the western region of Romania and its border area”, “Methods of geomorphological digital analysis and automatic classification of relief forms in the mountain regions based on integration of teledetection data”, “The use of zeolitic materials with functionalized nano-crystals of TiO2 for purifying wastewater”. In 2009, beside application for research grants, the members of Romanian team have applied for European grants dedicated to human resources development. Here is an example of such a project “Formation of competences for teaching chemistry to teachers that graduated other close disciplines”. With regard to the Serbian partner, the Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor is the leading institution for performing research related with geology, mining, environmental protection, waste management and chemical and mineralogical analysis. Their main projects are aiming at water and soil quality analysing in living and working environment, emission monitoring systems, microclimate analysis (temperature, relative humidity, flow velocity) and physical hazards. In the last years the MMI has been working in project related to waste management, treatment, characterization and recycling of wastewaters, with recovering of valuable metals when possible. From the above examples becomes evident the fact that the proposed project is very well integrated in the former projects and present activities of both Romanian and Serbian partners. Their initiative to establish an international research network becomes a normal consequence of their common preoccupation in various fields of environmental protection. There is a complete coherence between the present project and the other programmes performed by the members of the envisaged research network. |
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